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Continuum of Care


Continuum of Care (CoC) began as a concept by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) in 1994.  In order to qualify for housing grants, HUD required the development of regional planning models to coordinate housing and services for homeless families and individuals. This regional approach allowed for a localized approach to meet the specific needs of a community and create paths to self-sufficiency and stable housing.  HUD recognizes Manatee and Sarasota Counties as one CoC, FL-500.  Each CoC has a designated lead agency and Suncoast Partnership proudly serves our continuum in that role.


What does a Continuum of Care Lead Agency Do?

As the lead agency for the Suncoast CoC, FL-500, Suncoast Partnership provides year-round planning and support for the community and CoC membership.  


A CoC’s three primary responsibilities under the CoC Program interim rule include the following:

  • Operate the CoC

  • Designating and operating an HMIS

  • CoC Planning


To operate successfully, a CoC must fulfill the following responsibilities specific in the CoC Program interim rule:

  • Conduct regular meetings of the CoC Board (Leadership Council) and full membership

  • Issue a public invitation for new members, at least annually

  • Adopt and follow a written process to select a board (Leadership Council)

  • Appoint additional committees, subcommittees, or workgroups

  • Develop and follow a governance charter detailing the structure and responsibilities of all parties for our CoC 

  • Work as a community with all recipients and sub-recipients of Federal and State funding, and other service providers, to establish performance targets appropriate for populations and program type that drive a goal of ending homelessness

  • Monitor the performance of recipients and sub-recipients, evaluate outcomes, and take action against poor performers

  • Evaluate and report to HUD outcomes of ESG and CoC Projects

  • Establish and operate a centralized or coordinated assessment system

  • Establish and follow written standards for providing CoC and ESG assistance


With respect to planning responsibilities, the CoC must:

  • Coordinate the implementation of a housing and service system within its geographic area>

  • Conduct an annual Point-in-Time (PIT) count of homeless persons

  • Conduct an annual gaps analysis

  • Provide information required to complete the Consolidated Plan(s)

  • Consult with ESG recipients regarding the allocation of ESG funds and the evaluation of the performance of ESG recipients and subrecipients


The Suncoast Continuum of Care meets bi-monthly, convening service providers, community leaders, law enforcement, government, representatives from other systems such as healthcare, interested community members, and those with lived expertise in homelessness for the purpose of collaborating and coordinating services for those experiencing homelessness and who are at risk.  For planning to be most effective, and to achieve the goal of a community where homelessness is prevented every chance possible, and quickly resolved when it does occur, we need all the systems and people working together.  





Member Spotlight

A single mother and her adolescent daughter have been renting their home in Manatee County for the past two years. The mother lost her job and accumulated several months of back rent before she was able to secure a new position that enabled her to afford the lease.  Her property management company agreed to spread the arrearages over several months, but then suddenly reversed their decision and began eviction proceedings. She proactively reached out to find sources of assistance, but was not able to secure funding on her own.

Turning Points stepped in and secured funds through Season of Sharing. Additionally, Suncoast Partnership to End Homelessness secured funds through the Charles and Margery Barancik Foundation Flexible Housing Fund. With these two agencies working in tandem, her past due balance of almost $9,000.00 was brought current, her daughter was able to continue taking college classes, she was able to maintain her stability and employment and the family has been able to remain stably housed.”


Thank you to all of our CoC Members! If you have a story of collaboration and coordination which ended a client's homelessness, Suncoast Partnership would love to highlight it!  Please send stories to



Suncoast Partnership to End Homelessness

1750 17th Street / C-1

Sarasota, FL 34234

T: 941-955-8987


Please direct all media inquiries to the CEO.​


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Suncoast Partnership to End Homelessness, Inc.

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